Demithyle and Mortighull vs Ork Raker

“Demithyle and Mortighull vs Ork Raker”, Milivoj Ćeran 2018.
– 85 x 65 cm (33,5 x 25,6 inches)
– acrylic and airbrush on paper
– © Sideshow Collectibles
– Eric Lewis collection

This is my very first commission by Sideshow Collectibles for the Court of the Dead brand! I had great art brief with two skeletal knights fighting big transformed disgusting ork raker beast.

The idea was to paint dynamic scene of the fight in the Wallows – the outskirts of the Underworld. I really like that levitating stones/columns and cold blue light which added the unearthly feel and mood to the artwork. And I’m glad my ideas were accepted – like that border/frame with skulls and bones, which I really like to paint and draw.
I also believe Demithyle’s armor is one of the most detailed I painted so far (with that decorative death figures, decorations, skeletons fighting on the shoulder armor etc…).

Thanks to Tom Gilliland, Anna van Slee, and Ricky Lovas for this cooperation.
