Treasure Chest

– “Buried Treasure” Milivoj Ćeran 2015.
– acrylic, gouache and airbrush on paper
– 40 x 30 cm
– art director: Jeremy Cranford
– © Blizzard Entertainment
– card art for the Hearthstone
– currently NFS

The chest was commissioned back in 2015 for one set, but was cut out.
It was printed in The League of Explorers: Revived! set, as one of Hearthstone cards called “Sandy Chest”. And it is “half published” – with only half of my artwork, and rest made by someone else, (I suppose Blizzard in house artist…).
My art director asked me 3 years ago if I can repaint the background, but at that time I was in such horrible deadlines, that I couldn’t accept anything.

So the card supposed to be in a different set, but ended up in some other, and not printed in full.
